Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: How to Enable and Use Edge Lighting Feature in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

There are some features in Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that will help you easily know when you receive calls or notifications, one of which is a feature that works by utilising the edge screen named the edge lighting feature. When this feature is enabled, the edge screen will light up when you receive calls or notifications while your phone's screen is facing downwards. It can be an alternative way that you can use if you want to have a smoother light notification than the flash notification feature.

How to enable the edge lighting feature?
You can turn on this feature by using the following steps:
  1. On any screen, swipe down the top of the screen to open up the notification panel and then tap to go to the settings menu.
  2. Scroll down the screen to find Edge screen and then tap it.
  3. Tap Edge lighting.
  4. If Edge lighting is off, tap the ON/OFF switch to turn it on. When the switch turns blue , means the edge lighting feature is enabled.

How to use the edge lighting feature?
If you have enabled the edge lighting feature and your phone is turned over, your phone will light up the edge screen when receiving calls or notifications, such as text or email messages.

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